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Birthday Bash

Hey guys! It's me again.

Recently it was my birthday. That is always really exciting, mainly because I love a good party! It didn't exactly go to plan, but it was still loads of fun anyway.

So not much of my food went to plan. I wanted to make some churros. I didn't have time. I screwed up my French macarons. I used different eggs. One of my friends didn't like hot dogs. All I wanted was hot dogs! I kind of had a meltdown. I had no prep time because I had come back from a running camp the day before, and hadn't had anything in place for the party.

But let's try and focus on what did go to plan. I made some cotton candy shaped lights, which were cute. Most of my friends came, which was fun. Only one couldn't make it because she went camping with another friend, which really pissed me off. They gave me lovely gifts, which was really generous of them. We went to my neighborhood pool, which was also loads of fun!

So we didn't really have the perfect party. Kind of a disappointment. But I still had fun, at least.

One thing that did go to plan that I was really satisfied with was the morning breakfast. I made rainbow bagels. So Instagram worthy, I know. I was really pleased with them, because I had never made bagels before, and these ones tasted and looked great! Here is the recipe, which I love dearly:

So that was my birthday party! I later went out for dinner with my mom and then we had cake and presents with both of my parents. When is your birthday?

Thanks for reading!

-Allison <3

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